Enderal: The Shards of Order (2016), DLC: The Forgotten Stories (14.02.2019)

Enderal on SureAI:n tekemä total conversion mod TESV - Skyrimiin. SureAI on saksalainen studio joka tekee TES-sarjan peleihin ilmaisia total conversioneita, heillä on myös yksi Fallout 3:n päälle tehty total conversion.

Teen tästä oman viestiketjunsa, koska tällä "modilla" ei ole mitään tekemistä Skyrimin kanssa, paitsi sama pelimoottori. Kaikki on tehty uudestaan taitopuita myöten. Enderaliin on esimerkiksi saatu CD Project Rediltä ilmaiseksi käyttöön The Witcher 1:stä modeleita kuten puskia ja muutenkin assetteja on tehty paljon itse. Käytännössä kyseessä on uusi itsenäinen peli, joka on niin laadukas varsinkin käsikirjoittamisen saralla, että ihan harmittaa että he ovat tehneet sen Skyrimin päälle, melkein samalla vaivalla olisi saanut tehtyä kaupallisen pelin esimerkiksi Unityllä. Onneksi heidän sivuillaan on mahdollisuus lahjoittaa rahaa tiimille.

Enderal julkaistiin vuonna 2016 ja sen maailma sekä tarina ovat aivan käsittämättömän kovaa laatua. Enderal ei vaadi Skyrimin DLC-lisäosia, vain perus Skyrim-asennuksen jonka päälle Enderal asennetaan.

14.02.2019 julkaistaan Enderalin DLC: Forgotten Stories. Erona entiseen tulee olemaan, että sen voi asentaa suoraan Steamista, eikä Skyrimin asennusta enää tarvitse olla koneella, vaan peli on kokonaan itsenäinen oma kokonaisuutensa. Riittää että Steamissa on ostettuna Skyrim, niin Enderalin saa sieltä asentaa ilmaiseksi.

SureAI:n kotisivu:

Kuvia Enderalista ja DLC:stä:

Alkuperäisen Enderalin asennussivu:

Enderal Steamissa:
Enderal: Forgotten Stories on Steam

Enderal patch notes:
Enderal:Patch - sureai

SureAI Wiki:

Aloitustehtävä (A Nice Day in Summer):
Viimeksi muokattu:


4 455
Tämähän taitaa olla ettei toimi remastered versiolla?
Perus skyrmiä rajoittaa ne muistit ja muut, suht kaatuileva oli toi eka osa jonka asensin silloin ja tekijäkin sanoi että hyvä olisi savettaa usein.

Edit: Eikös muuten CDPR ole antanut luvan käyttää niiden kaikkia juttuja kun vain ilmoittaa modia tehdessä mistä on otettu?

Skyrmissä oli kiva lisä kun sait Geraltin miekkailee kaveriksi ja oli witcher 3 lainattua dialogia.

Viimeksi muokattu:
@Sadness: Enderal on rakennettu alkuperäisen Skyrimin (32-bittinen) päälle ja sen rakentamiseen on käytetty aikaa yli 5 vuotta. Heillä ei ole mitään suunnitelmia portata Skyrim Special Editionille (64-bittinen), koskaan ei tietenkään voi sanoa ei koskaan.

Kuitenkin Enderal on modattu aika raskaasti myös pelimoottorin osalta ja siihen on laitettu mm. Skyrim Script Extender, SkyUI, sekä muistipätsi joka ottaa enemmän muistia käyttöön ja ratkaisee jo yksinään suurimman osan kaatumisongelmista.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kappas, on mennyt täysin ohi että tästä on joskus tehty triidi. Modet yhdistäkööt ketjut.


4 455
Sadness: Enderal on rakennettu alkuperäisen Skyrimin (32-bittinen) päälle ja sen rakentamiseen on käytetty aikaa yli 5 vuotta. Heillä ei ole mitään suunnitelmia portata Skyrim Special Editionille (64-bittinen), koskaan ei tietenkään voi sanoa ei koskaan.

Kuitenkin Enderal on modattu aika raskaasti myös pelimoottorin osalta ja siihen on laitettu mm. Skyrim Script Extender, SkyUI, sekä muistipätsi joka ottaa enemmän muistia käyttöön ja ratkaisee jo yksinään suurimman osan kaatumisongelmista.
Ei liity viestiin mutta katsoin että olet uusi foorumilla niin käytä @ juttua nickin edessä jos haluat ilman lainausta jollekin laittaa viestiä:

1 111
Skyrimissä oli ihan hyvät mekaniikat ja luolastoramppaustakin jaksoi aikansa, mutta peli jäi kesken paskan käsikirjoituksensa vuoksi. Pitääpä laittaa Enderal lataukseen.
No niin, tänään sitä saa, eli Enderal on julkaistu!

Enderalin saa Steamista ja on ilmainen, vaatii Skyrimin tai Skyrim Legendary Editionin (32bit) Steam -kirjastossa. Asentuu omaan kansioonsa ja tallennukset ovat erikseen, joten tätä uutta versiota Enderalista voi pelata samaan aikaan kuin Skyrimiä.

Enderal: Forgotten Stories on Steam

Installation, update, support


Enderal is now available on Steam! It allows for the following features:
  • Simple and quick download, installation, and update procedure directly via Steam.
    Skyrim Classic or Skyrim Legendary Edition (32 bit) needs to be owned via Steam.
  • Enderal now has its own game and savegame directories, meaning you can install and play Skyrim and Enderal simultaneously.
  • Steam Cloud for saves optionally available (depends on your Steam settings).
  • Steam Achievements
  • Pre-installed stability fixes, e.g. ENBoost (see below).
  • Improved launcher with more options and features.
  • Steam Workshop for Enderal. No support when using additional mods. Further information can be found here.

  • Skyrim Classic or Skyrim Legendary Edition (32 bit) needs to be owned via Steam. It is not needed to have Skyrim installed.
  • Minimal requirements must be met – take a look at Enderal’s Steam Store page.
  • The download is about 13 GB in size, the full game however requires 15 GB of free space on your hard drive.
  • Please install Enderal into a new, empty directory, not onto an already existing Skyrim or Enderal installation. The default installation path will be C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\enderal\.
  • As soon as the download is finished, Enderal can be started.
  • The “Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm” is now activated by the Enderal Launcher which can’t be changed. Please ensure that it stays activated if you decide to use other mod managers.
  • Upon launching Enderal, first white and then red text lines will appear in the left upper corner of the screen. You can safely ignore these notifications, they are not an error message. Further information in the “ENBoost” section.

Updates will be published as often as possible and can be downloaded directly via Steam. The size of individual updates will vary but will be small compared to the initial download on Steam. The patch notes will be posted here on Steam, in our wiki, and in our forums and will be shared on our social media accounts.

Are existing saves from previous installations compatible with the Steam installation?

Old saves from previous versions of Enderal are no longer compatible with the Steam installation of Enderal. This incompatibility shows itself in different ways: already fixed bugs will reappear, quests and skills won’t function properly, CTDs will occur frequently, etc. Should you disregard this warning and use your old saves, we will provide no support or help of any sort.
Saves from Skyrim are not compatible in any way.


ENBoost is an external program which comes pre-installed with Enderal: Forgotten Stories
and helps to improve its stability and performance. An “all-round build” that needs no further configuration is set up and will be launched alongside Enderal.
Upon launch, first white and then red text lines will appear in the left upper corner of the screen. You can safely ignore these notifications, they are not an error message.
ENBoost is not an ENB, please do not confuse the two.
ENBs are inherently not compatible with Enderal, unless they have been individually adjusted. We discourage the use of any ENBs due to technical differences between Enderal and Skyrim.We will provide no support for either individual edits to ENBoost or the installation of ENBs. ENBoost is used with the kind permission of Boris Vorontsow .

Support and bug tracker

We are grateful for all your feedback! However, many players means many support requests. As you may know, we are working on this project completely in our free time in addition to our daily work schedules. Due to our limited time and the relatively small size of the core team, we have only limited possibilities to provide support and to solve problems. Not every issue can be addressed and fixed right away. If you know the cause or solution to a problem, please let us and the community know!
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Lots of problems that came with the initial release version in 2016 have been found and fixed. With the newly added content, new bugs and issues may arise. Those need to be and will be addressed.
Please save often manually and don’t only rely on the Auto- and Quicksave function. Furthermore, don’t try to solve problems with console commands.

Where to report bugs?

For best support, please go to this support forum, where you can upload files directly. This will allow us to quickly access your saves / logs to find the problem. If you decide to report your issue on Steam, please use the support subforum. Be aware that Steam offers fewer support options.

We also have a bug tracker, in which we will only enter confirmed issues and fix them one after the other. Smaller issues which don’t require support can be also added by you guys.
But the forums are a much better choice if you are looking for support.

No matter which option you finally choose, please use the search function before reporting to see if the same problem has already been reported. Please do not spam the same request more than once and don’t push your thread up further, this will not speed up the processing of your support request. Legends say that insults don’t help either.

We won’t fix or provide support for bugs caused by additional mods. Please contact the mod author in question.

What information is essential when creating support requests?

Please read and pay attention to the following before you create a support request:
  • Does the issue persist if you verify the integrity of Enderal’s game cache? How to verify the game cache.
  • Does the issue still occur if you reload an earlier save?
  • Is it a bug or a feature? If you are unsure about that, simply ask in the general discussion forums.
  • Is the issue caused by additional mods? Skyrim mods are not compatible by default and even Enderal mods can cause problems from time to time. Please disable them to check if they are the source of the problem. We won’t fix issues caused by mods.
  • Does an existing ticket already cover the issue you were going to report? Please use the search function to search for certain keywords like quest name, NPC name, location name, spell name, etc - be careful, there will be spoilers.
The more information you provide, the better we will be able to help. For example:
  • Are you able to reproduce the bug (does the bug appear again and again)? If yes, how? Detailed descriptions are welcome and very helpful.
  • Please upload/attach your saves to your post - best are saves made shortly before the bug appears. Saves are located here: C:\*Username*\Documents\my games\enderal\saves\. They consist of .ess and .skse, we will need both.
  • If you encounter issues with the Enderal Launcher or the installation process, please provide detailed descriptions of the issue and the Launcher.log (located here: C:\Program files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Enderal\EnderalLauncher\system\log\.
  • If you encounter problems with the world map, some setting or a CTD on start with the error: “Skyrim has crashed because an object reference with form ID: …”, do the following: Close the game and launcher. Remove Enderal.ini and EnderalPrefs.ini from C:\*Username*\Documents\my games\Enderal\. Restart the launcher and game.
  • If an object is not properly placed in the world, simply give us it's ID by opening the console (~ key) and clicking on it. The ID is displayed on the left side, no further information needed.

Enderal's Steam Workshop

Mods for Enderal can now be uploaded and downloaded directly through the Steam Workshop and the Enderal launcher. How this works is explained below.

You can access Enderal's Steam Workshop either via the button "Steam Workshop" in the Enderal launcher or within the Steam Library in the overview.

Subscribe to, install, activate, deactivate, uninstall, and unsubscribe from mods

First, an important warning: we don't support mods - they can cause additional issues which we won’t fix.
Please read carefully the mod description and contact the mod author about any issues.
Mods created for Skyrim are not compatible.

Browse the Workshop for an interesting mod and subscribe to it. The filters and search options should be clear, though we're open for suggestions.

Once subscribed, Steam will download the mod and you can install it via the Workshop Tool within the launcher. The first three tabs display all the mods you have subscribed to. Click on the install button for the mods you want to install. Clicking “Refresh” will update the list of your mods.

Some mods have to be activated within the launcher. Open the "Data files" tab, check the mod(s), and save your changes. Keep the load order in mind when using several mods - if the mods overlap, the game will apply the changes introduced by the last mod in your load order.

Deactivating and uninstalling mods works the same way (uncheck in the Launcher and "uninstall" with the Workshop Tool). To delete a mod from the list of subscribed mods, unsubscribe from the mod’s workshop page.

Apart from us not supporting the use of mods, it's generally not advised to install or uninstall mods during a playthrough.

Uploading and updating your own mods in the Steam Workshop

You can share your own mods with other players by uploading them to the Steam Workshop.
To do so, open the Workshop Tool in the Enderal launcher and select the second tab “Upload Modification”. There will be an overview of all the information you need to provide, including:
  • Mod name: The name of the mod as it will be displayed in the workshop.
  • Language: The language of the mod.
  • Version: A version number, e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc. This will be important when you decide to update your mod.
  • Preview pic: The image that will appear in the workshop, max. 1MB.
  • Tags: What aspects of the game does the mod affect? Mods in the workshop can be filtered via these tags.
  • Add mod files: Here you can upload the relevant mod files. Create a folder named ‘Enderal’ (e.g. on the desktop) with a subfolder named ‘data’. Then, select the Enderal folder, where a file named ‘mod.info’ will be created afterwards. You can safely ignore this file, but do not delete it under any circumstances.
The set-up is now complete and you can upload your mod. By uploading your mod you accept the Steam Subscriber Agreement.
You can access your mod in the workshop once it has been uploaded. However, it is set to be invisible at first, meaning other users can’t see it yet.
You can update your mods and edit the description in the third tab ‘Update Modification’ of the Workshop Tools. To do so, please insert the workshop mod ID (found at the end of the link above) in the input field. You can now edit your mod and upload the changes following the same procedure as creating the mod.
You can also edit the appearance of the mod directly in the workshop, e.g. change the cover picture or the description, upload additional screenshots or videos, change the visibility of the mod or even delete it completely.
Administrators and moderators reserve the right to remove the mod at their discretion if its content does not comply with the TOS.
Viimeksi muokattu:
2 878
Ei näyttänyt olevan vielä saatavilla. Tarviiko tuohon laittaa edes modeja vai valmiina täysin pelattava?

Vähän lueskelin, että pärjää ilman modejakin, kun ei jaksaisi säätää yhtään. Joskus illalla näköjään peli avautuu seitsemän hujakoilla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ei näyttänyt olevan vielä saatavilla. Tarviiko tuohon laittaa edes modeja vai valmiina täysin pelattava?
Rupesin tuota innoissani asentamaan, mutta missä asennus-painike :confused:

Ainakin foorumilla lukee, että on saatavilla, ehkä he ovat jossain developer-moodissa jolloin asennuslinkki näkyy tekijöille, mutta eivät ole huomanneet laittaa tuota julkaistu-tilaan.

Ei tarvitse mitään modeja, asennus ja kovaa käyttöä.
2 878
Rupesin tuota innoissani asentamaan, mutta missä asennus-painike :confused:

Ainakin foorumilla lukee, että on saatavilla, ehkä he ovat jossain developer-moodissa jolloin asennuslinkki näkyy tekijöille, mutta eivät ole huomanneet laittaa tuota julkaistu-tilaan.

Ei tarvitse mitään modeja, asennus ja kovaa käyttöä.

Enderal: Forgotten Stories

Odotellaan. Ajastin linkin takana. :)
Patch on julkaistu.

Walk blessed,

We’re already three days into the release of Enderal and it already peaked into the Top 100 Steam games at place 93! We’ve been checking the forums and try to communicate with you guys as much as possible to gather feedback! We really appreciate it, though we can't reply to each and everyone due to our limited time. Thank you for your support and your understanding!

In the last couple days, we've released multiple smaller hotfixes because we wanted to get some fixes out as soon as possible. These changes are also listed in these patch notes.

It takes a while for the Steam client to register that there is a patch available. If you want to download immediately, restart Steam.
Be careful the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

  • "The Void" (MQ02):
    • Yero's books are no longer sellable to vendors. They now weight 0.
  • "Cuthbert's Legacy" (FS_NQ07):
    • It's no longer possible to leave the dungeon "Soul Bed" early during the quest.
    • Furthermore it's no longer possible to get past Cuthbert when running fast.
  • "A Foot in the Door" (NQ_G_01):
    • Optimized dialogue conditions so that certain stages of the quest can't be skipped.
  • "In Our Shadows" (FS_NQR03):
    • Fixed the encounter between First Seer and Brother Greed.
  • "Dark Chambers of Our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Fixed a bug that caused an invisible activator to stay around for a longer period of time.
  • Fixed an issue with a configuration file that decreased the performance quite heavily. (was patched previously as hotfix).
  • Added missing installation files which caused players to install Skyrim before installing Enderal. (was patched previously as hotfix)
  • Starting the Enderal Launcher now creates a registry entry properly. (was patched previously as hotfix)
  • Redirecting of important files has been optimized to work better with MO2.
  • The old Skyrim skill menu is now completely suppressed on PC controls.
    • WARNING: This change resets custom control settings. Sorry!
  • Added multiple missing unique books to the game.
  • Bard in the "Red Ox" now also performs "The Song of the Vatyrs" and "Welcome Be You, Merry Drunkards".
  • The spell "Grave Curse" should work more reliable overall. More humanesque enemies added that can explode.
  • The damage of the spell "Chaosnova" should now be calculated properly on the first cast.
  • Probably fixed an issue that caused the spell "Mesmerize" to revert its effect on merchants.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to freeze and then shatter their companions.
  • Fixed invisible "Dagger of Despair".
  • Fixed wrong first person model on "Heavy Leather Cuirass".
  • "Talisman: Warrior, Burnt Keeper (III)" is now craftable.
  • "Magic-imbued Robe" is now craftable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused diseases to be applied by nearly every attack of wolves and foxes.
  • Fixed AI behaviour of wolves under certain circumstances.
  • Etched tablet should no longer be interactable.
  • Finding hidden stashes in chests now fully depends on the players "Sleight of Hand".
  • Fixed display of a negative number when the apparition of the Phasmalist got unsummoned.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the arcane fever to be increased higher than it was stated in the description of the perk "Summon Apparition".
    • Note: Currently there is an issue with the naming of two similar perks, both are called "Summon Apparition", make sure to read their descriptions. This will be adjusted in the next patch.
  • Phasmalist Workbench is properly placeable in the player houses.
  • The wait menu should no longer get enabled when playing the Lycantrophe class.
  • The perk "Fast Metabolism" now reduces the additional arcane fever properly.
  • Fixed the perk "Exhaustion", it should now restore stamina properly to the player.
  • Lowered the stats of the three wolves that the player encounters after leaving the "Abandoned Temple" in the beginning of the game.
  • Lowered the stats of soldiers during the quest "The Word of the Dead" (MQ07a).
  • Increased armor value of "Veil of the Ashwarrior".
  • The armor values of normal and craftable "Rune Boots" are now correct.
  • Fixed two occasions of weird behaviour of ladders in the world.
  • Fixed multiple cases of the player getting stuck between or in objects.
  • Fixed lots of typos and descriptions.
  • Added a bunch of missing voicefiles to the English version, also corrected a few German ones.

Thanks for all the reports! We will continue to improve and bugfix Enderal!
Patch on julkaistu.


Walk blessed,

the new patch is now available! Steam will automatically download and install this patch for the English and German version. This patch needs to be translated for other localizations of the game (currently Simplified Chinese, Italian and Russian) and it will be available as soon as the responsible translation teams finished their work.

Be careful the patch notes could contain spoilers to some extent, we try to avoid them as much as possible, though.

Thanks to community members gavrant and overdev for their contributions to this patch.

  • "The Void" (MQ02):
    • Fixed a glitch of the player character when drinking wine with Jespar in the Drunken Bee Inn while sitting.
  • "The First Steps" (MQ03):
    • Fixed an issue causing the guard in front of the Sun Temple to be missing when the player committed a crime beforehand.
    • Random arcanists should no longer interrupt the scenes in Constantine's rooms during the quest.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part II" (MQ05):
    • Improved headtracking during the ritual scene.
    • Improved the enemy encounters with the "Suppressors".
    • Fixed Aixon interrupting a certain dialogue.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Aixon skipping dialogue lines when being "one-shot" by the player.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part III" (MQ06):
    • NPCs in the Curarium should now always take all their positions out of sight.
    • The fade-to-blacks are now smoother without mix-ups and tearing.
    • The player now can't force Jespar to speak his generic dialogue.
    • Refined headtracking during the consecration scene. Calia and the player also got better fitting idle animation assigned during the scene.
  • "The Word of the Dead" (MQ07a):
    • Partially fixed the weather during the Pyrean Dream.
    • Fixed the player not knocking on the door.
    • Potentially fixed an issue causing the player to be stuck on their way to the living room.
    • Reduced the volume of the "player's voice".
    • Fixed Zura not speaking her lines properly.
    • Fixed and streamlined the interactions with the hut's door.
    • Reduced the objective update spam during the fight scene.
    • Fixed the player not being able to lie in the bed on teleporting back to the Aged Man manor after the battle.
    • Fixed headtracking and AI packages, smoothed fade-to-blacks, better voice ranges, removed unnecessary NPCs.
  • "-" (MQ07bAftermath):
    • Lishari now leaves Old Dothûlgrad earlier and is no longer stuck there.
  • "The Lion's Den" (MQ09):
    • The player is no longer stuck on a black screen while taking to the High Ones as a werewolf.
  • "Part of Something Momentous, Part IV" (MQ10b):
    • Fixed a bug causing not all dialogue options to be displayed properly.
  • "Angel" (MQ11a):
    • Fixed an issue causing the scene with Dal'Galar and Maya on the dinner table to trigger too early.
    • Fixed a small but constant performance issue that occurred when starting the quest.
  • "Black Light, Part I" (MQ12a):
    • Fixed an issue causing the player being able to talk to Lexil about inserting the stones while Lexil is on his way to already insert the other stones.
  • "Black Light, Part II" (MQ12b):
    • Fixed an issue which caused that certain NPCs weren't targetable after the siege.
  • "The Shards of Order, Part II" (MQ16):
    • Fixed the audio output codec of on of Yuslan's dialogue lines.
  • "-" (CaliaDialogue):
    • Fixed a small but constant performance issue.
  • "Two Souls, Part II" (CQC02):
    • Fixed a bug that caused the conversation with Calia to halt, when the player tried to interact with her.
  • "The Biggest Egg Hunt Ever" (NQ01):
    • Fixed an issue that caused Kurmai not having a dialogue option.
  • "A Touching Effigy" (NQ17):
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player to lock themselves out of dialogue with Rys.
  • "Apotheosis, Part II" (NQ26):
    • Fixed a trigger being missable when approaching the Mechanist's lift.
    • Improved the first encounter with Pahtira when riding down the lift.
    • Fixed the red protective barrier not being displayed under certain circumstances.
    • Fixed the "turn" animations on activating the four valves.
    • Fixed the core not being displayed properly.
    • Fixed Yerai not going into cover when the final fight starts.
    • Smoothed fade-to-blacks.
  • "Old Yogosh" (NQ30):
    • Fixed the issue that the player never needed to insert the valve into the mechanism to progress.
    • Fixed the objectives.
  • "Retribution" (NQ34):
    • Fixed an issue causing the quest to not be displayed properly in the journal.
    • The quest now properly fails when the player progresses with the main quest at hand.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Calia only to respond with "Anything" when the player tried to interact with her if the quest never was completed.
  • "A Drop in the Ocean" (FS_NQ01):
    • Fixed an issue causing Yuslan to be stuck within the Dust Pit.
  • "Our Mark on this World" (FS_NQ02):
    • The bandits in Duneville no longer attack each other.
  • "Dreams of the Dead" (FS_NQ03):
    • Fixed an objective.
  • "The Long Way to the Top" (NQ_G_02):
    • Fixed a bug that caused Menhir not to talk to the player if they were too far away from each other.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Menhir to wiggle around constantly and not responding on two occasions.
  • "Trails in the Sand" (NQ_G_05):
    • Fixed an issue causing the objectives to be stuck when the player acquires multiple ingredients at once.
  • "Scorpion and Lion" (NQ_G_07):
    • Fixed an issue with the protector not being present when bringing the letter to Maél.
    • Fixed one objective that wasn't displayed properly.
    • Added a new objective that advices the player to read the letter after taking it from the bag.
    • Fixed an issue causing the quest not to progress properly when the player entered the sewer "too fast".
    • Fixed an issue causing the player to deal no damage with staffs against the protective shields.
    • Also fixed the behaviour of Devra and Alyx during the fight, it should now be more clear when the player is able to attack and the visual effects should not impair the view anymore.
    • Probably fixed an issue that caused corpses not to be cleaned up at the end of the quest. Only applies for saves before the scene in the theater.
  • "Blood and Dust" (FS_NQR01):
    • Fixed an issue causing Tharaêl and Rasha to be unresponsive after the first arena fight.
    • Fixed a constant performance issue occuring after finishing the fifth fight in the arena.
  • "Dark Chambers of our Mind" (FS_NQR05):
    • Fixed a bug causing the scene with the dead elk being stuck when elk isn't there for some reason.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the scene between Brother Hatred and Tharaêl to be stuck when the encounter with the greater perversion has gone wrong.
    • Fixed a bug causing a voice line of the Father not to be audible.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the two clones to spawn even after the fight with the Father ended.
    • The music should no longer "randomly" disappear in the Frostcliff mountains after the Rhalâta quest line ended.
  • Potentially fixed an issue that decreased performance over time when using the Devour Soul talent with the Dark Keeper affinity.
  • Fixed a bug that occured when the player was a half-aeterna and certain NPCs would stop talking mid dialogue.
  • Fixed a sound bug of the "Shadowtongue Oil" talent and improved the its code.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a cooldown reset for the "Starling spider" talent when successfully used. Removed redundant code and fixed various other script errors regarding the clean up of the leftovers of the starling spider after the explosion.
  • Fixed a wrong display of the spell level in the menu and the mana cost reduction calculation of the spell "Spell ward".
  • Fixed the issue causing the player not being able to enchant anything with the "Fortify Lockpicking" enchantment.
  • Fixed an issue that caused perversions to explode forever and not give EXP.
  • Fixed an issue causing the spectral chest not showing its correct weight.
  • Fixed an issue causing memory points being used when learning a talent from a talent book despite the talent already being known to the player.
  • Fixed four rhetoric options thoughout the game not showing up properly.
  • Fixed a message not showing up on game start when not all files are loaded properly.
  • The blueprint collection can now be obtained again if dropped from the inventory. Improved the inventory filter by replacing the formlist with one keyword. Fixed an effect being displayed when the book was used.
  • Potentially fixed the issue that the Alchemy and Magic shop in the Sun Temple being locked.
  • Fitzai should now always sell his proper wares.
  • Halda now buys and sells the Oder's arcanist and novice robes and hoods.
  • Larenya now actually sells some wares.
  • Flawless Amethyst is now sellable at the correct merchants, it is now displayed as gem instead of clutter.
  • Fixed AI of a couple guards, nobles, beggars, apothecarii in the undercity, the travellers at the northwind storage.
  • Fixed a bunch of small bugs within the Poem-reading scenes of Prince Mith in the Noble’s quarter. Furthermore, he no longer recites the same poem twice in a row. Fixed an issue of Prince Mith using the bed that the player can purchase at the Far Leoran Inn.
  • Reverted changes to troll combat behaviour. They now roar, flail, etc. again but less often than before.
  • Improved more enemy encounters across the game.
  • Arcanist Hood is now displayed on mannequins.
  • Fixed multiple meshes and textures.
  • Removed unused stuff.
  • Fixed multiple issues the boss encounter in Ad'Balor. Slightly increased the stats of the boss to match them with the stats of other encounters in the same dungeon.
  • Improved performance in the Old Man's Manor, the Chronicum, the Fat Leoran, the Golden Sickle Guildhouse, Gabor Gaboff's warehouse, in the Library, the Apothekarii house in the Undercity, in Old Ishmartep, in Fortress Rockwatch, in Dal'Mercer's Estate, from Fortress Goldenforst down to the southern tip of the Goldenforst, in the Dark Valley (around the Myrad Tower and abandoned village), around the Northcliff Hold and in the Suntemple.
  • Fixed various floats, leaks as well as navmesh. Fixed positioning of various furniture.
  • Fixed a bunch of typos and grammar errors.

Thank you for all the Feedback and for all reports!

Have fun playing!
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