Juha Kokkonen
Ylläpidon jäsen
- Liittynyt
- 17.10.2016
- Viestejä
- 14 234
DeepCool on esitellyt uuden PX-G-virtalähdeperheen, joka tulee saataville 850, 1000 ja 1200 wattisina versioina. Täysmodulaarisilla ATX 3.0 -standardin mukaisilla ATX-virtalähteillä on 80Plus Gold- sekä Cybenetics ETA Gold, LAMBDA A-, Standard++, Standard+ -sertifikaatit. Jäähdytys tapahtuu 135 mm tuulettimella.
PX-G-virtalähteet tulevat saataville kesäkuun aikana mustana ja valkoisena 169,99; 189,99 ja 229,99 euron suositushinnoilla.
Lähde: sähköpostitiedote
PX1200G - DeepCool
The DeepCool PX1200G is a newly designed power supply that meets the latest ATX 3.0 standard. With a dedicated 12VHPWR, 2 EPS, and 3 PCI-e ports, the PX1200G provides stable power for a wide range of components. - DeepCool was founded with the mission of providing professional, innovative...
PX1000G - DeepCool
The DeepCool PX1000G is a newly designed power supply that meets the latest ATX 3.0 standard. With a dedicated 12VHPWR, 2 EPS, and 3 PCI-e ports, the PX1000G provides stable power for a wide range of components. - DeepCool was founded with the mission of providing professional, innovative...
PX850G - DeepCool
The DeepCool PX850G is a newly designed power supply that meets the latest ATX 3.0 standard. With a dedicated 12VHPWR, 2 EPS, and 3 PCI-e ports, the PX850G provides stable power for a wide range of components. - DeepCool was founded with the mission of providing professional, innovative...