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Tekniikka Corsair A500 39,90€

40€:lla siis ihan hyvä ostos, jos mahtuu.
Eikä mahtuminen ole pelkästä kotelosta kiinni, vaan myös emolevystä.
Tpu:n testissä joutuivat viilaamaan lämpöputkia, jotta kontakti olisi hyvä, koska lämpöputket ottivat kiinni emolevyn kondensaattoreihin.
TechPowerUp sanoi:
After installing the cooler and noticing some truly terrible performance numbers, I began looking into the cause. To check things out, I rotated the cooler 90°, which resulted in much better performance and meant something was off. After multiple mounts and checking clearances, I found that the heat pipes on the Corsair A500 were touching the caps on my motherboard. Since I strive to deliver full reviews with all the details, I took a big file and shaved the heat pipes down for enough clearance for the cooler to perform the same in both orientations.



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