- Liittynyt
- 14.10.2016
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- 23 119
Googlen tulevan Android 16:n toinen Developer Preview on tuotu nyt saataville Pixel 6:lle ja sitä uudemmille Pixel-laitteille.
Android 16 Developer Preview 2 changelog:
System triggered profiling
The Profiling Manager now includes System Triggered Profiling. Apps can use ProfilingManager to register interest in receiving information about diagnostic data like start, start type, start times, and throttling.
Richer Haptics
Android 16 adds haptic APIs that let apps define the amplitude and frequency curves of a haptic effect while abstracting away differences between device capabilities.
Better job introspection
Android 16 introduces JobScheduler which can return multiple reasons why a job is pending, due to both explicit constraints set by the developer and implicit constraints set by the system.
Adaptive refresh rate
Android 16 DP2 introduces hasArrSupport() and getSuggestedFrameRate(int) while restoring getSupportedRefreshRates() to make it easier for your apps to take advantage of ARR.
Job execution optimizations
Android 16 introduces JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasons(int jobId) which can return multiple reasons why a job is pending, due to both explicit constraints set by the developer and implicit constraints set by the system.
JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasonsHistory(int jobId), returns a list of the most recent constraint changes.
The API can help you debug why your jobs may not be executing. This can also better help you understand if certain jobs are not completing due to system defined constraints versus explicitly set constraints.
Android 16 DP2 deprecates accessibility announcements, developers should use setAccessibilityPaneTitle() and setAccessibilityLiveRegion() for better accessibility support.
Cloud search in photo picker
The developer preview includes new APIs to enable searching from the cloud media provider for the Android photo picker. Search functionality in the photo picker is coming soon.
Enhanced security
Android 16 adds support for robust security features in WiFi location on supported devices with WiFi 6's 802.11az, allowing apps to combine the higher accuracy, greater scalability, and dynamic scheduling of the protocol with security enhancements including AES-256-based encryption and protection against MITM attacks.
Lähde: Android 16 Developer Preview 2 is out
Android 16 Developer Preview 2 changelog:
System triggered profiling
The Profiling Manager now includes System Triggered Profiling. Apps can use ProfilingManager to register interest in receiving information about diagnostic data like start, start type, start times, and throttling.
Richer Haptics
Android 16 adds haptic APIs that let apps define the amplitude and frequency curves of a haptic effect while abstracting away differences between device capabilities.
Better job introspection
Android 16 introduces JobScheduler which can return multiple reasons why a job is pending, due to both explicit constraints set by the developer and implicit constraints set by the system.
Adaptive refresh rate
Android 16 DP2 introduces hasArrSupport() and getSuggestedFrameRate(int) while restoring getSupportedRefreshRates() to make it easier for your apps to take advantage of ARR.
Job execution optimizations
Android 16 introduces JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasons(int jobId) which can return multiple reasons why a job is pending, due to both explicit constraints set by the developer and implicit constraints set by the system.
JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasonsHistory(int jobId), returns a list of the most recent constraint changes.
The API can help you debug why your jobs may not be executing. This can also better help you understand if certain jobs are not completing due to system defined constraints versus explicitly set constraints.
Android 16 DP2 deprecates accessibility announcements, developers should use setAccessibilityPaneTitle() and setAccessibilityLiveRegion() for better accessibility support.
Cloud search in photo picker
The developer preview includes new APIs to enable searching from the cloud media provider for the Android photo picker. Search functionality in the photo picker is coming soon.
Enhanced security
Android 16 adds support for robust security features in WiFi location on supported devices with WiFi 6's 802.11az, allowing apps to combine the higher accuracy, greater scalability, and dynamic scheduling of the protocol with security enhancements including AES-256-based encryption and protection against MITM attacks.
Lähde: Android 16 Developer Preview 2 is out