- Liittynyt
- 14.10.2016
- Viestejä
- 23 087
AMD on julkaissut GPUOpen-aloitteensa kautta joukon uusia avoimen lähdekoodin FidelityFX-teknologioita.
Uudet teknologiat tottelevat nimiä Stochastic Screen Space Reflections (SSSR), Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion (CACAO), Luminance Preserving Mapper (LPM) ja Single Pass Downsampler (SPD).
Yhtiö on julkaissut jo aiemmin FidelityFX Contant Adaptive Sharpening -teknologian (CAS).
Lähde: Welcoming four new members to the FidelityFX family - GPUOpen
Uudet teknologiat tottelevat nimiä Stochastic Screen Space Reflections (SSSR), Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion (CACAO), Luminance Preserving Mapper (LPM) ja Single Pass Downsampler (SPD).
Yhtiö on julkaissut jo aiemmin FidelityFX Contant Adaptive Sharpening -teknologian (CAS).
Stochastic Screen Space Reflections (SSSR)
The first of our four new FidelityFX effects is Stochastic Screen Space Reflections (SSSR). This is our implementation of the ever popular Screen Space Reflections technique. This effect can create realistic looking reflections, purely based on information already present in the rendered image. Check out the SSSR page for more details.
Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion (CACAO)
FidelityFX CACAO stands for Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion and is based on Intel®’s Adaptive Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, however our team has been busy tinkering and optimizing it. First of all, we moved the entire thing over to compute, allowing you the freedom to run it on either a compute or graphics queue. We’ve also done some major surgery on the data-transformations the effect undertakes. Finally, we also included an upsampler option to allow you to get high quality ambient occlusion within a budget that suits your game.
Luminance Preserving Mapper (LPM)
Ensure all that effort you put into lighting and shading your scenes is nicely carried through to the screen. FidelityFX LPM (Luminance Preserving Mapper) provides fast and easy-to-integrate HDR and wide gamut tone and gamut mapping for your game.
Single Pass Downsampler (SPD)
Almost every game will need to downsample something at some point. Perhaps you’re moving a buffer to a lower resolution for performance reasons, or maybe you’re generating a MIPmap chain. The standard way of doing this is simple, but potentially introduces lots of bubbles into the graphics pipeline. Pop those bubbles by using FidelityFX SPD, our Single Pass Downsampler that can generate up to 12 MIPmap levels in a single compute shader pass.
Lähde: Welcoming four new members to the FidelityFX family - GPUOpen