Asian selvittelyä hieman helpottaisi, jos osaat kertoa, mitä tabletille tarkalleen ottaen tehtiin aiemmin? Siis kun uudelleenasennus jäänyt kesken?
Jos siihen ei ole vielä flashailtu mitään ihmeempiä, niin laitteen palautus pitäisi onnistua download moden kautta sd-kortilta. Jostain pitäisi vaan löytää oikea rom ensin. Mikä rom siinä oli aiemmin?
ao. ohjeella yksi kaveri yritti. Ite en ollu paikalla, mutta sanoi, että ei voi jatkaa kun ei saa kaivettua cpuid:tä, siihen lopetti.
Tuosta ROM:sta osaan sanoa, että Acerin vakio. Ainoa, että voiko valmistajalla ollut siihen päivitys ja se on päivitetty jos käyttis sitä tarjonnut? Itte en ole sitä "virittänyt" mitenkään.
-STEP 1=Install the USB drivers from Acer on PC
Tässä linkki ajureihin: A&Step3=A501&OS=A08&LC=en&BC=ACER&SC=PA_6
NOTE: If you got stuck or can't get into APX mode please make sure you reinstall the usb drivers first and you got the latest ones.
STEP2=First before you do anything else make sure you got your "cpuid". How see Q&A , bottom of this thread.
[GUIDE] Where's my CPU ID at, why you need adb and whats fastboot!!
a500Manager Tool :
Or you use the Blackthun3er V0.4 APX flasher (see in the section "automated flashing tool") , this tool will give and fill in your SBK automaticly if you used it before.
-STEP 3=Now go to get your SBK or use this tool you find here:
Checking your SBK
Go into APK mode (step 5 or use A500 manager) and open cmd on SBK-test: (download this first) folder and type in something like this:
nvflash --bl bootloader.img --sbk (your SBK) --sync]
In my case = nvflash --bl bootloader.img --sbk 0x3DA61E00 0x7899AA01 0x97D04E03 0x1E092103 --sync (enter)
If your SBK is good you get your system information and you will see your chip uid with some more stuff.
If your SBK is wrong, you'll get this:
rcm version 0X4
Command send failed (usb write failed)
STOP HERE AND DON'T PROCEED if your SBK is not correct!!!!!!!!!
(Tip how to open cmd on any folder you want
Windows Vista/7 : Simply hold down the Shift key and right-click a folder. The context menu will contain an entry, ‘Open command window here.” )
-STEP 4=Make sure you got a ICS rom on your tablet to flash after you installed the ICS bootloader the first time .
Seuraa tämän ohjeita:
-A501 Alexandra IV ICS ver 4.0.3. (for A501 users)
tai tämän:
-Or you can flash the
full leaked version of 1.031.00 405MB but then
you need to get root so you can delete "recovery-from-boot.p" from /system before you flash the unlocked booloader and custom recovery.
Good time to check your SBK number , see Q&A section
Kertaa kohta 3
STEP 5= Going into APX mode see Q&A or use A500 manager
Going into APX MODE manualy
You enter APX mode by holding down the Reset button(with paper clip). Do not release it. Hold down power for 3 secs and then release it. After another second, release the reset button.
Your Windows PC should then detect your device and install the APX driver. You should then have an APX USB device installed.
If you do not have an APX USB device listed in your system tray, you cannot proceed.
The screen of your tablet is black.
Tai käytä A500 manageria
Automated flashing tool
USING blackthund3r ATX flash tool , It makes it all a little easier !
You need help on this ! Here is a walk thru!
-download the APX-FLASH-Tool & Manager
-Download one of the V8 unlocked bootloader apx flash packages combined with a recovery of your choise.
- Firts you do the Steps 1-2-3- 4 of the main guide !!
-1-Reboot your tablet and make sure on your tablet: "Settings" -> "Applications" -> "Development" ->
"USB debugging" switch on.
-2-Now start the
"A500APXFlash.exe" , the tool will start .
-3-When it askes for your SBK you need to type it in ,
the v0.4 APX flash tool will give your SBK automaticly !!
-4-Now you select
"Use an A500 APX Flash Tool Package.(.a500apx)
Select the package that you want,(you click on the right arrow to continue)
-6-Now you can select "Manual Method" or "Automatic Method". (I always pick Automatic)
-7-Click on
"Enter APX Mode" (now it will do his thing)
-8-When it says
"Done! press to run again" (even if it says on the bottom of the app "no apx mode devices are connected")
you click on the right arrow to continue.
-It will ask if you are ready (click yes if you are)
-Let the app do his thing and wait !!!!!! Until it says "Done! Press and hold power to switch off then power back on!"
Optional A500MANAGER
What does it do :
· One-click APX Mode entry
· One-click Recovery Mode entry
· One-click fastboot entry for patched bootloaders
· Instant logcat viewer
· Instant dmesg Viewer
· Function which dumps the dmesg to a text file on the desktop
Serial number extraction to make SBK calculation exponentially easier
· Links to ICS Root, A500 APX Flash Tool and two download links (Acer and my mirror) for USB Drivers
· Shows what mode the tablet is in at the bottom
BIG THANKS TO blackthund3r