
  1. rzilahi

    terassin huoltaminen

    Hey! Sorry for the english, hoping I will get some help here. So, as the spring is here and the summer is coming, I was thinking of doing some maintenance of the terassi. The house was purchased last autumn, so I haven't done anything with so far. I have done some photos of it, so you can take a...
  2. rzilahi

    questions about "Salaoja"

    Hey Guys! Sorry for writing in english, I was given the advice to ask for opinions on this platfomr. I hope i will be tolerated here. My Finnish language is poor, though I am actively learning so I might be able to switch soon. Until that, I came here for help. I have purchased an...
  3. Don Stupido

    5G-antennia televisioantennien laiton yhteydessä omakotitaloon?

    Hei! Eli olisikohan mahdollista harava-antennien laiton yhteydessä laittaa samalla katolle myös joku 5G antenni tai vastaava jolla saisi tuotua mahdollisimman hyvän 5G/4G nettisignaalin sisälle? Ja jos on niin mitähän tuollaiset antennit mahtavat maksaa? Ennen talo tosiaan ollut antenniverkossa...
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